
Entry point of the ReadNext command line tool


The command line interface is using typer, a library to build command line interfaces. We also use arxiv to query their search service to display the articles’ titles from the list of IDs proposed by the system.

Otherwise, we import all the internal modules of the project used to implement the different commands of the CLI.

import arxiv
import chromadb
import os
import typer
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from readnext import __version__
from readnext.arxiv_categories import exists, main, sub
from readnext.arxiv_sync import sync_arxiv
from readnext.embedding import embed_category_papers, download_embedding_model, embedding_system
from readnext.personalize import get_personalized_papers, save_personalized_papers_in_zotero
from rich import print
from typing_extensions import Annotated

Command line interface


The version command displays the current installed version of ReadNext.


 version ()

Get the current installed version of ReadNext

You can get the version number of the ReadNext instance installed of your machine by running:

readnext version


Display the current configuration of ReadNext.


 config ()

Get the current configuration of ReadNext

You can display the current configuration uptions picked-up by ReadNext by running:

readnext config


The arxiv-top-categories command displays the complete list of ArXiv top categories. Note that the categories’ keys are case sensitive.


 arxiv_top_categories ()

Display ArXiv main categories. Keys are case sensitive.

You can get the list of all the top categories by using this command line:

readnext arxiv-top-categories


The arxiv-sub-categories command displays the complete list of ArXiv sub categories. Note that the categories’ keys are case sensitive.

The arxiv sub categories are:


 arxiv_sub_categories ()

Display ArXiv sub categories. Keys are case sensitive.

You can get the list of all the sub categories by using this command line:

readnext arxiv-sub-categories


The personalized-papers command gives a list of personalized papers based on the user’s current research focus. That command has two required parameters and three optional:

  • category [required] : the ArXiv category to use to query the ArXiv search service. It can be a top or sub category, case sentitive.
  • focus_collection [required] : the name of the Zotero collection where all the user’s papers of interest are available for ReadNext.
  • proposals_collection [default: “”] : the name of the Zotero collection where the papers proposed by ReadNext will be added.
  • with_artifacts [default: False] : if set to True, the artifacts related to the proposed papers (PDF & summary files) will be added to Zotero.
  • nb_proposals [default: 10] : the number of papers that will be proposed by ReadNext.

To get new papers proposals, you have to run the personalized-papers command. That command requires two arguments:

  • category [required] : the arXiv top, or sub, category from which you want to get new papers proposals
  • zotero_collection [required] : the name of the Zotero collection where your papers of interest are stored in Zotero. This is what we refer to as the “Focus” collection above. The name of the collection is case sensitive and should be exactly as written in Zotero.

Then you also have three options available:

  • --proposals-collection [default: “”] : which tells ReadNext that you want to save the proposed papers in Zotero, in the Zotero Collection specified by the argument. If you don’t use this option, ReadNext will only print the proposed papers in the terminal, but will not save them in Zotero. The default behaviour is that you don’t save them in Zotero.
  • --with-artifacts / -a [default: False] : which tells ReadNext that you want to save the artifacts (PDF file of the papers and their summarization) into Zotero. This is the recommended workflow, but it requires a lot more space in your Zotero account. If you want to do this, you will most likely need to subscribe to one of their paid option.
  • --nb-proposals [default: 10] : which tells ReadNext how many papers you want to be proposed.

The following command will propose 3 papers from the cs.AI caterory, based on the Readnext-Focus-LLM collection in my Zotero library, save them in Zotero in the Readnext-Propositions-LLM with all related artifacts:

readnext personalized-papers cs.AI Readnext-Focus-LLM --proposals-collection=Readnext-Propositions-LLM --with-artifacts --nb-proposals=3

As you can see, you can easily create a series of topics you want papers proposals around, where each of the topic is defined by a series of specific papers that you read and found important for your research.


 personalized_papers (category:str, focus_collection:str, proposals_collec
                      jectat0x7f14ec87f910>]='', with_artifacts:typing.Ann
                      87f6d0>]=False, nb_proposals=10)

Get personalized papers of a focus-collection from an ArXiv category. If the category is all then all categories that have been locally synced will be used. if –proposals-collection is set, then the papers will be uploaded to the that Zotero collection, otherwise it will only be displayed to the command line.


Before running the command line application, we have to make sure that the tool is properly initialized. The current initialization steps that are required are:

  1. Load environment variables
  2. Make sure that all the configuration options are properly set as environment variables.
  3. Check that all the required local models artifacts are available on the local file system. If not, download them from their source.


 config_check_one_exists (env_vars:list)

Check if one of the env_vars environment variables exists


 config_exists (env_var:str)

Check if env_var environment variable exists

One thing that needs to be validated at initialization time is the shape of the embeddings in ChromaDB. If the user changed the setting EMBEDDING_SYSTEM from one system to another, then most likely that the number of dimentions will be different. If it is the case, then Chroma won’t be able to load the embeddings with a different dimention. This is why we have to warn the user.


 get_embeddings_dimensions (chroma_client, category:str)

Get the embedding dimensions of the given category


 init ()

Initialize the application

Entry point